Little Eggplant Parm by Alison Roman

This recipe for a Little Eggplant Parm is by Alison Roman and published in her weekly newsletter. She also cooks this on her YouTube channel - Home Movies. This recipe requires a few steps to prep the components, followed by assembly - similar to a lasagna. The finished product is a cheesy, crunchy delight.

Side Notes
Cost of non-staples: $14
Serves: 4

800 g globe eggplant
1/2 cup olive oil
kosher salt
black pepper
1 brown onion, halved and sliced
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
chilli flakes
4 anchovy fillets
1 large can of San Marzano tomatoes, or 2 x 400g
3/4 cup panko bread crumbs
1/3 cup grated parmesan
250 mozzarella cheese, sliced (I like to use a little over)
2 - 3 tbsp baby capers, chopped
2 tbsp fresh oregano
1/3 cup coarsely chopped parsley

My Pantry Staples
olive oil
kosher salt
black pepper
chilli flakes
canned tomatoes

The Method

  1. Roast the eggplant: Preheat the oven to 210°C. Drizzle the eggplant with olive oil and season. Roast for 30 minutes, turning over at halfway.
    Do no be scared to allow the eggplant to brown, but also do not over do it as the moisture from the eggplant can dry up from over roasting, leaving you with no texture.

  2. Make the sauce: Heat two tbsp of oil in a pot over medium heat. Add the onion & garlic and season. Cook stirring occasionally until they start to brown (8-10 minutes). Add the chilli flakes and anchovies. Stir until the anchovies melt into the sauce (2 minutes). Pour the juice from the canned tomatoes in. Crush the tomatoes in your hands into the sauce. Season again and allow to simmer for 30 minutes to thicken.
    AR call for half the sauce for this recipe, unless doubling the other ingredients. However, I use about 2/3 of the sauce.

  3. Toast the breadcrumbs: Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in a skillet and add the breadcrumbs and season. Stir while you toast them until they are golden and crispy (5-7 minutes). Set aside in another bowl for assembly.

  4. Assemble: Spoon half the sauce into the bottom of a skillet or small casserole dish. Layer with half the eggplant. Then follow with half the parmesan. Half the chopped herbs and capers. Then layer half the mozzarella. REPEAT.

  5. Bake at the same oven temperature for 15 - 20 minutes (no-fan). Less if you only have a fan option.

  6. Finish with whatever leftover parsley and parmesan is left on the chopping board, and a sprinkle of flakey sea salt if you have it.


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