Simple Fruit Tart by Alison Roman

Fruit Tart

This simple fruit tart is the first recipe in Alison Romans new book ‘Sweet Enough’. It’s surprisingly simple yet so delicious. You would think a dessert like this would require more effort and skill but it really doesn’t. Added bonus, the recipe for the vanilla custard filling will make enough for the tart filling + two extra pots to enjoy on their own.

Side Notes
Cost of non-staples: $14
Serves: 1 Tart (10 slices)

200g plain flour
80g icing sugar
1 1/2 tsp kosher salt
170g unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
4 cups full cream milk
220g caster sugar
1 vanilla bean, split
8 large egg yolks
65g cornstartch
1 tsp kosher salt
60g unsalted butter, cubed
250-300g fresh berries (or fruit of choice)

My Pantry Staples
icing sugar
caster sugar

The Method

  1. CRUST - Preheat oven to 180°C.

  2. Combine the flour, icing sugar and salt in a bowl. Add the cooled butter and mix until the dough just comes together. Resist kneading the dough to avoid developing gluten.

  3. Press the dough into a 23cm tart tin. Using a fork, prick the dough all over the base to allow steam to escape during the bake in the oven.

  4. Bake until the crust is golden brown, 18-20 minutes. If the edges shrink down, use something round and flat like the bottom of a measuring cup to press and push the base back down and to the top of the tin (while warm). As the crust cools this will set in place.

  5. VANILLA PASTRY CREAM - In a pot, combine the milk, 1/2 cup sugar, vanilla bean. Bring to a simmer over medium heat but do not allow to boil. Remove from heat.

  6. Whisk the remaning sugar with the egg yolks, cornstarch and salt in a medium bowl.

  7. While whisking, pour a cup of the hot milk into the egg mixture and continue to blend. Repeat with the remaining milk, slowly, to temper the egg mixture.

  8. Return the mixture to the pot and place over medium heat. Whisk constantly, making sure to get all the edges of the pot to prevent chunks of cooked egg in your mix. Continue to whisk for 8-10 minutes.

  9. Remove from heat and whisk in the butter.

  10. Transfer the pastry c tream to a shallow dish to increase surface area for cooling. Cover the cream with glad wrap directly on top to prevent a skin from forming. Place in the fridge to cool until ready to use (at least 2 hours).

  11. ASSEMBLY - Once the tart shell and vanilla cream have both cooled, whisk the vanilla cream until totally smooth. Spread this onto the tart shell.

  12. Top with the fresh sliced berries, or other fruit of your choice. Refrigerate for 1 hour or overnight to set.


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