Moroccan Lamb Salad

Moroccan Lamb Salad

This recipe calls for the ‘Moroccan Spiced Roasted Lamb’, shredded and scattered through rocket with barley raisins and a simple garlic yoghurt. Once the lamb is cooked, the assembly takes little effort and ingredients This is such a tasty lunch or dinner idea to serve up for guests or even as meal prep for the week. The crispy salty lamb skin and juicy tender meat is the perfect texture combo and the will feed 4-6. Adjust the spices based on the weight of the lamb you plan to cook.

Side Notes
Cost of non-staples: $25
Serves: 4-6

1.5-2kg lamb shoulder (bone in)
70g butter, unsalted
1 tsp cumin seeds, lightly toasted and ground
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp smoked paprika
2 garlic cloves
120g rocket
3/4 cup raisins or sultanas, soaked 1-2 hours
3/4 cup pearl barley, cooked
3/4 cup plain greek yoghurt
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, crushed
extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
pinch of salt

My Pantry Staples
ground coriander
white wine vinegar

The Method

  1. Soak the raisings or sultanas in hot water (or 1/2 water & fortified wine), covered overnight or for at least 1 hour. Drain and set aside.

  2. Cook the lamb according to recipe ‘Roasted Moroccan Lamb’, shred into pieces.

  3. Cook the pearl barley according to packet instructions. Drain and allow to cool slightly.

  4. Toss the rocket with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, white wine vinegar. and the juice of half a small lemon.

  5. DRESSING: Whisk the yoghurt, garlic, salt and 2 tbsp lemon juice.

  6. Toss the prepared rocket, barley, raisins and most of the shredded lamb and serve on a platter. Top with the remaining lamb including the crispy pieces. Drizzle with the dressing.

    TIP: Salad is best served while the lamb is still warm. If saving for leftovers, store the lamb in a separate container to reheat before enjoying again.


Roasted Moroccan Lamb by Paula Wolfert


Old-fashioned Strawberry Cake by Alison Roman